Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bad News For Blogging!

Liz says:
Last night I had to cancel my AT&T Aircard. It was mysteriously costing about $100 a day. We had had it for 4 days and the charges were up to $450.
So, now we have to find cafes with free weefee (wifi).
That means less talk and pictures, if anybody is out there reading ;-{.
Anyway, we saw our first apratment. It was between the Swedish and Tunisian embassies. Don't get impressed. It was very clean and very white, but the windows viewed the center shaft. One tiny window had a view of the top ofthe Eiffel Tower. We debated and decided that it would be too claustrophobic but we may go back. It was in a good neighborhood, if a little staid. It was in very good condition and there were 3 whole rooms!
We are having a petit dejauner (breakfast of a sort) bread and coffee with a little orange juice. The french don't eat real breakfast and its a bit hard on my constitution, but its the price of blogging at the moment. I am goin to have to sneak a little yogurt in the morning to survive. It's a rough existance, but I think I'll pull through.


LDO said...

Good news for Liz and Dick!

No doubt they discovered the clever AT&T fees they were not suppose to discover.

Those three scam eBuyers are well known and no doubt...thanks to Liz... now will have to relocate their rackets to the 7th level.

Liz and Dick must luv, and we do mean luv, their new diggs.

They can not live in a secure sterile silent downer.

Feel the vibe, ignore the nag, roll with the crackle, grab the day!

Live baby live!
Go Liz Go!
Go Dick Go!

Back to C-Span

LDO said...

Hey, what happened?

Good news for Liz and Dick!

No doubt they discovered the clever AT&T fees they were not suppose to discover.

Those three scam eBuyers are well known and no doubt...thanks to Liz... now will have to relocate their rackets to the 7th level.

Liz and Dick must luv, and we do mean luv, their new diggs.

They can not live in a secure sterile silent downer.

Feel the vibe, ignore the nag, roll with the crackle, grab the day!

Live baby live!
Go Liz Go!
Go Dick Go!

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