Thursday, December 4, 2008

Liz says: It's been weird not having our holiday season. Even though things are set up and rolling for Christmas here, we couldn't be less concerned with it.
Well, we had another go round where Dick had to run to the realtor, walk with him to the bank and they discussed the conditions.
It will amaze or amuse you, but here goes:
The landlord wants a year's rent 'blocked' by the bank.
Meaning: the money would be put aside in a savings account and he could go to court and get it if we split without paying him. He wants us to sign a 3 year lease. We will still be paying him monthly rent out of our pockets. The years rent stays blocked until we move out.
We agreed.
It has taken about 8-10 meetings with the bankers, realtor and phone calls with the lawyer, over around 3 weeks, but we have come to an agreement about that.
Today, the landlord didn't think his 'block' was iron clad enough, so Dick went to the realtor, we never get to talk to the landlord although we have seen each other once.

Dick walked the realtor over to the bank and the banker and realtor discussed it. They called the landlord and the banker brought in the DIRECTOR of the bank to say, yes, the money had been blocked. The landlord thinks the paper saying the rent is blocked is not satisfactory, he wants a more specific document from the bank.
The Director tells him this is the way it is done, this is it. The landlord wants another document.
So, we added to the offer. We will pre-pay a years rent, in advance as well as block the money. The realtor will get back to us. He hasn't called back today, so who know's, its around 9 p.m. now.

I know this is a great apartment for the price. I also know that if this falls through we probably won't have enough time to go through the same bizarro process with different specifics with some new landlord or seller before we leave.
Dick has read many articles about how frustrating it is to do any kind of business in France, and he keeps telling me that this is just the way it is, everybody says so.

The realtor also told us that renters have "very strong rights in France" so landlords tend to want all kinds of protections. They evidently cannot evict without years of effort, so this is par for the course.

I am still looking at furniture and kitchens, figuring it can't hurt. It's so funny to be looking at these compact kitchen units after making over our kitchen in the house in Madison. That kitchen seems unreal now.

Yesterday, we saw a gas stovetop with and oven and dishwasher, all in the size of a stove smaller than most American dishwashers. The washers and dryers are all one unit. It washes and dries in the same drum.
Fantastically clever and compact ideas.

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