Thursday, December 4, 2008

Paris Hack

Liz says: Well, I caught a cold or sinus infection or something. Dick calls it the Paris hack. Lots of people are blowing their noses with a hacking cough, so its no surprise that I caught it. Woke up this morning to ferocious rain and wind like we haven't seen since our third day here.
We did hopefully jump through the last hoop before the lease signing for the apartment but who knows.
We went to the Decorative Arts museum again, this time we got to see the Sonia Rykiel show. Fantastic but I couldn't take photos. You can take non-flash photos in other rooms but not there. Dick spotted one of the Coen brothers and his wife Frances McDormand (sp?), I was totally consumed by the frocks and hats.
Lunch at the museum cafe was fantastic. Very inventive food, even though I stuck to my favorite, roast chicken. Dick has a small steak with "potatoes like Pont Neuf". Pont Neuf is a bridge here in Paris, the potatoes turned out to be 3 inch deep fried rectangles, like tiles. My chicken came with a multi bell pepper and ham side. It was de-lish!
So today, I sit and sniffle, wait for info about the lease signing, maybe, and try to recover. Hopefully the sun will come back. Having a cold in rainy weather is just not fun.

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